- ACSS- Assistant Chief of M16
- AFOSI- Air Force Office of Special Investigations.
- AMAN- Israel Military Intelligence Service
- ASIO (ASIS)- Australian Security and Intelligence Organization(Service)
- AVB - Allami Vedelmi Batosag – Hungarian Intelligence Service
- BCA - Bo Cong An- Vietnamese Intelligence Service.
- BCRA- Bureau Central de Renseignements et d' Action – French intelligence and action Center Office.
- BFV- Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz- Germany Security Service.
- BND- Bundesnachrichtendienst – German Intelligence Service
- BSC - British Security Coordination –
- Bundes Polizei – Swiss Security service.
- CIA- Central Intelligence Agency – It is also known with the code name “The Company” \ It is the continuation of the Offices of Strategic Services(OSS) which had conducted intelligence services during the world war II. CIA is one of the most powerful intelligence services in the World. It was formed in 1947 with National Security Law. Its headquarters located in an area of 219 hectares in Langley, Virginia was opened in 1961. CIA has achieved the authority of spending from the discretionary fund for covert operations by amendments made since its establishment in 1947. It has been under the control of various committees of the congress since 1975. Non disclosure of the identity of the CIA agents has been secured by the “law of protection of identities” passes in 1982. The most sensitive department of the CIA is the Directorate of Operations. CIA present briefings to the congress and pres members from time to time about its activities. It arranges serial meetings and reviews in selection of its staff passing them from security investigation and polygraph test. CIA has training facilities in Camp Peary near Alexandria, McLean, Williamsburg- Virginia. It attributes a special attention to ensure security of its agents and service staff working abroad. It is the most powerful security and intelligence service in employing and placing well trained, resourceful and skillful agents anywhere in the world and also in technical support and research activities. It is also the most powerful security and intelligence service in carrying out investigation in all the countries in the world. It has “clandestine refugee and defection committees in all the countries in the world. They are ready for unexpected incidents with their plans
- CID- Committee of Imperial Defense – British Royal Defense Committee
- CIFE-British Far East Combined Intelligence–
- CIS- British Combined Intelligence.
- COI- British Coordinator of Information -.
- CRO- Cabinet Research – Japan Intelligence Agency
- CSIS- Canadian Intelligence
- CSS- Chief of M16 –Chief of British Intelligence Service.
- D Branch- (British Counterespionage Branch of M15) .
- DCI- Director of Central Intelligence – USA.
- DCSS- Deputy Chief of M16-
- DDCI-Deputy Director of Central Intelligence.
- DDO - Deputy Director for Operations – CIA (USA) (Chief of DO-Directorate for Operations).
- DGI-Direccion General de Inteligencia- Cuban Intelligence Service.
- DGSE - Direction Generale de Securite Exterieur – French External Security General Directorate (French Intelligence Service).
- DIA-USA Defense Intelligence Agency
- DIE-Departmentul de Informatii Externe – Rumania External Intelligence Service
- DMI- Director Of Military Intelligence-(British) .
- DNI- Director Of Naval Intelligence –( British)
- DST- Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire – French Security and Counter Espionage Service that is equivalent of British MI5 and American FBI.
- DS- Drzaven Sigurnost – Bulgarian Intelligence Agency
- FBI- Federal Bureau Of Investigation – (USA)
- FOE -Forsvarvarsftaben Operativ Enhat –Swedish Security Agency.
- GCHO - Government Communications Headquarters – (British).
- GCR- Groupement de Controles Radio-Electrique- French intelligence service- encryption Department)
- GRI- Chinese Intelligence service
- GRU- Glavnoye razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye – Soviet Military Intelligence –A department that was dependent on Soviet Military General Staff
- HVA- Hauptvewaltung für Auklarung – Former Eastern Germany Intelligence Service
- IIC- Industrial Intelligence Center – (British).
- ISIC- Inter Services Intelligence Committee – (British). This is the committee controlling MI5 and MI6
- ISLD -Inter Services Liaison Department – (British)
- JIC- Joint Intelligence Committee - (British),
- FSB- It is one of the intelligence services with the highest budget allocated in the world . According to time magazine published in February 1978, it is one of the four best intelligence services.
- KYP – Greek Intelligence Service.
- MEIC- Middle East Intelligence Center- (British).
- MI5- British Security Service - Since it is the 5th section of old British military intelligence Service, the name is still used. Despite it is an organization similar in main operational lines to American FBI organization, it does not conduct counter intelligence activities abroad, Its basic mission is the protection of British secrets in United Kingdom against foreign nations and prevention of well prepared sabotage, and subversive activities, burglary of state secrets etc.
- MI6- British Secret Intelligence Service- Former 6th section of British Military Intelligence Service. It is also known as SIS (Secret Intelligence Service). This civilian organization is similar to American CIA. Its mission is to collect intelligence and perform strategic tasks. It is adept at analysis and political assessment according to time magazine issued in February, 1978.
- MI9- Escape and Evasion Service – (British) .
- MOSSAD- Ha Mossad, Le Modiyn Ve Le Tafkidim Mayuhadim –Israeli Intelligence and special Operations Institute. It has total 35.000 agents in the world 20.000 of which are active and 15.000 of which are in deep cover. It is one of the most effective four intelligence services in the world according to February 1978 issue of Time magazine. Its superiority to other intelligence services is that it is well organized and infiltration to MSSAD is almost impossible. It has trained Chilean internal security service, IRAN SAWAK organization, Colombian security forces and secret police organization of former Panama Dictator Manuel Norriega and Uganda Dictator Idi Amin .
- MUHABERAT- The name given to intelligence services of Egypt, Syria, and many other Arab states.
- NIC- National Intelligence Council – (USA)
- NIS- Naval Investigation Service – (USA) .
- NSA- National Security Agency – (USA)
- OS- Overvaaksningst jeneste – Norwegian Intelligence Service
- RCMP- Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
- SABO- Underrattelse Och Sakerhetsenhet – Swedish Intelligence Service
- VEVAK- Iranian Intelligence Service.
- SB- Sluzba Bezpieczenstwa – Polish Intelligence Service.
- SDECE- Service de Documentation Exterieur et ContreEspiyonage- French External Documentation and counter espionage service.
- SHABACK- Israeli Internal Security Organization equivalent to FBI.
- SIS - Secret Intelligence Service – (British) The other name for MI6
- STB- Stani Tajna Bezpecnost- Czechoslovakian Intelligence Service
- UB- Polish Intelligence service.