Human Resources management of ALTAY PROTECTION AND SECURITY SERVICES COMPANY LTD. started to work actually in 2005.
Our company is active in the service sector dealing with provision of private security. Since our company provides private security services, the main resource is the human beings and the required personnel (resources) need to be in compliance with the mission of ALTAY GROUP. Activities are carried out to select and recruit personnel according to demands of the corporations that we provide service and to enable us to work in harmony with the available private security company personnel.
ALTAY PROTECTION AND SECURITY SERVICES COMPANY LTD., faces with the circulation of the qualified personnel (change of personnel) due to characteristics of the work performed. However, thanks to careful acting in the selection process, rate of circulation is very low during recent times.
The company has formed its human resources policy in line with the values of ALTAY GROUP. According to our policy, in selection of personnel for our private security company the candidates(persons) who are dynamic, open to change and innovation, possessing venturing capability, active, intending to improve his/her capabilities, expert on the topic concerning considered position with the required knowledge, skills and experience are taken into consideration.
In our private security company, required education and competency levels have been specified by mission definition forms and therefore assignment is done according to determined wage scale.
The following characteristics are required from the candidates wishing to apply to ALTAY PROTECTION AND SECURITY SERVICES COMPANY LTD., for employment as a member of as private security service:
- Male candidates should not exceed the age limit of 45 years while female candidates should not exceed 40 years,
- Graduation at least from high school,
- Height : 1.65 cm minimum fort he females and 1.78 cm minimum for male candidates,
- Completion of military service (for male candidates)
- Possession of private security identity card or attending to basic training to obtain private security personal identity card.
Applications of The candidates not meeting these criteria are not taken into consideration in the assessment.
The candidates that are successful in reviews are subjected to training prior to service for 5 days by our Training Department arranging training programs that is covered by the structure of our company. Within this scope, training are given on the following topics:
- Basic and special security training (for 2 days)
- Training on communication and customer relations ( for 1 day)
- Fire safety training ( for 1 day)
- First aid training ( for 1 day)
During the training, the candidates are observed carefully by our private security experts. Should the candidates are assessed as incompetent by the experts they are sorted out as such and rejected. These training activities are provided to the private security employees that have been already employed as retraining programs.
The candidates passing the selection stages with success prepare and deliver the documents required from them for employment and, they are taken into the portfolio of human resources department. When a new employee is needed for operational team, the candidates whose personal files have already been filed in the portfolio are contacted.
Additional to document issued by the public prosecution Office and clearing the person approved for employment is free of any crimes, a security (GBT) investigation is conducted by the assistance of law enforcement forces. This investigation is repeated in every 6 months’ period for all of our operations
Our employees are subjected to “Open system performance evaluation by their superiors. Our employees are informed of the result of evaluation and consequently sign the evaluation form.
Our department of Human resources, being aware that customer satisfaction is in parallel with the contentment of employees conducts various activities to ensure satisfaction such as:
- Arrangements of social activities for our security staff and our administrative staff as well in certain periods;
- Employee satisfaction visits are arranged by the experts of human resources departments two times a year in all of our private security projects and, each employee is interviewed in these visits identifying problems of the employees and then submitting them to General Directorate in report. After completion of the visits, these problems are studied one by one during the meeting held under the chairmanship of General Manager with the participation of Coordinator, Operational managers, Human resources management and other concerned units, and common solutions are determined.
- Furthermore, a psychological expert team provides consultation services for us, psychological support to our executives assuming a very tense work, our staff responsible for security and security personnel in certain periods.
After obtaining print out of Application form for employment you can fill it by your hand writing and send it to the fax number specified below:
0(212) 274 32 59